Why should your dental crown Fall out

By emergencydentaltopic - 03:30:00

Losing a dental crown can be a certain disappointment of yours. At this time you may think that your dentist did a faulty job that lead to this. However, there are several reasons for your filling or crown to fall such as chewing hard or sticky foods. This article will show you the real reasons for your crown to fall out. If you are suffering from this problem, then you can visit emergency dental clinic to get rid of your problem.

Reasons behind the Crown to came off:

The decayed tooth:

Remember that crowns only helps in mastication and aesthetics. Many people are still unknown about the fact that crowned teeth are not really protected and they can also get cavities. It naturally occurs at the junction of the crown and the tooth underneath the crown. In this situation, you should see your doctor immediately so that, he can check if there is any possibilities of fixing a new crown over it. 

The crown was not strong enough:

Eating hard foods like hard bones, candies, chewing gums or open up bottle caps with teeth can cause your crown to get cracked. So this type of excessive pressure generally makes your crown weaken that leads to break off. You can consult with our efficient emergency dentists of Islington to get some useful advice for maintaining your crown.

Consuming chewing foods:

Chewing sticky foods like candies or jelly takes an active part on breaking the bond between teeth and the crown. The cement of the crown gets pulled off by the sticky stuffs. In this case, the crown can be re-cemented onto the tooth.

Loss of tooth structure:

Your tooth structure can be changed due to the presence of caries or fracture in the tooth. So, this simple changes can be the big reason of dislodgement of crown.

Misusing your crown:

Maybe you have created unnatural forces to your crown. If you are using your teeth as a bottle opener and putting so much pressure on it by grinding or clenching them, then it could be another reason for your crown to came off.

Imperfect tooth structure:

Sometimes your tooth fails to hold the crown properly due to very short space. When your dentist prepare and fixes a crown, there should be enough teeth to hold the crown. So there are biggest chances of damaging your crown.

However there is no reason to get worried when your crown fell off. The best thing you can do at this time is to immediately visiting your dentist. If you are not able to reach your dentist at that moment, visit your nearest clinic to pick up some temporary crown cement on it. Do you still have any confusion about dental crown? If yes, then  search in Google where to get treatment on Dental crown in Islington and contact with our dentist.

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